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If you do not know what is a lucid dream, In short, a lucid dream is that state in which dreaming, but at the same time you are aware that you are dreaming.
We connected the new Inception in the introduction, but the beginning comes, apparently, from antiquity. Greek thinkers were aware that they can control or observe some dreams even during their deployment. And after them - many others. Hence the desire to discover how to initiate, control, or use in practice these lucid dreams is not new, rather the contrary.

The device has several programmable options including the pattern that you want to try lucid dream initiation (13 models Alagic), rapid eye movements to initiate a lucid dream attempt, number of attempts, the speed signal reproduction and brightness LEDs ...
Why use lucid dreams? Some artists (and even developers) say that so find inspiration, others fail to decipher secret, solve problems, receive extraordinary insights and even premonitions about famous people. But most people who try to experience such dreams are content to play the superheroes, fly or enjoy the experience of a dream consciously terrible coloring the limits of reality no longer exists. And at $ 95 sounds like a fun nevertheless extremely affordable!
CardSharp - a folding knife
The "body" is made of polypropylene (hinged guaranteed "life") and the stainless steel blade used in surgical instruments. The effective length of the blade is only 76 mm, this knife could not be legally anywhere in the world . Weight reaches only 13 grams and thickness - 2.2 mm.

When incorporated into the card, the blade is protected from contact with other objects, which prevents the blunt. May even be washed in the washing machine.
Leona3Do comes from Hungary. It's a device that still resembles a mouse, even in that it involves the use of hand and has buttons. But this technology comes garnished with a pair of 3D glasses and allows complete manipulation of an object "virtual". There could be an excellent tool for 3D designers (and I saw somewhere a plugin for Maya to use it), but mostly - according to the authors - the modern processes of education, in which learning is based on interaction with the object of study.
In a way, which suggests
LeapMotion resembles another Microsoft technology, namely the already famous
sensor Kinect for consoles Xbox 360 .
Tobii Rex
If you're even more lazy, do not
have to use your hands (almost) all. Those from Tobii have developed a
technology aimed ... the user's eyes and moves the cursor seemingly no activity
on the part of the device uses. The only problem is what to do with the cursor
when you reach a certain point. Blink? You stare at them a little, to give him
to understand the computer that you are interested in that place? Weird. But
perhaps we could get used with it.Tobii suggest complementary use a touchpad or
Emotiv Epoc
The Emotiv Epoc proposed by is
actually a portable electroencephalography. Is not as accurate as a medical
EEG, but still is able to detect differences in brain waves caused by thoughts
"up", "down", "rotate", "close" or
"make disappear".